Bluffton Primary Care is the primary care provider of choice for patients in the village of Bluffton and the surrounding region. This office is one of several family medicine locations that are part of the Blanchard Valley Medical Practices (BVMP) division of Blanchard Valley Health System. Other primary care offices associated with BVMP are located in Carey, Findlay, Fostoria, Leipsic, McComb, North Baltimore, and Ottawa.
We’re here for you.
Seeking Primary Care at BVHS
As a primary care provider, Bluffton Primary Care offers preventative care, wellness visits, health screenings, vaccinations, guidance with medication adherence, and chronic disease management.
Our providers treat respiratory illness, diabetes, gastrointestinal and urologic conditions, dermatology, depression and anxiety, sore throats, ear infections, strains, and other injuries.
Providers can provide general orthopedic care, as well as joint injections. Some skin and dermatological care is also available. Providers also have expertise in managing type 2 diabetes and can offer both medical expertise and a sense of support and encouragement as patients work toward weight loss goals.
The healthcare team at Bluffton Primary Care provides the convenience and peace of mind of knowing that patients can go to one trusted source for the entire family’s healthcare needs. As the providers get to know their patients on a personal level, they build trust.
When you choose any BVMP location as your primary care provider, you’re establishing a relationship that will last a lifetime. Also, you are receiving care from an integrated health system in which primary care and specialist providers work hand in hand.
BVHS is an equal opportunity health provider, committed to providing care to a diverse spectrum of patients. Our providers partner with patients, working with them to help them achieve their health goals and well-being.
A Part of the Community
Bluffton Primary Care is closely embedded in the Bluffton community. The skilled, friendly associates working at this practice are a close-knit team, many of whom are from the Bluffton area or have close ties here.
The small staff means providers can get to know their patients. Additionally, they have created a very personable feel to the office.
Our experienced healthcare team is committed to providing personal and comprehensive care for patients, from newborns to seniors.
The Benefits of an Interconnected Health System
Our primary care providers are committed to ensuring that patients maintain a healthy lifestyle through education and prevention, but also work closely with specialists to offer referrals when additional treatment is needed.
Bluffton Primary Care is located close to Bluffton Hospital, meaning patients who need laboratory testing or other services can simply walk to the hospital site. Associates at Bluffton Primary Care and Bluffton Hospital work hand in hand to help their patients thrive.
In addition, Bluffton Primary Care collaborates with Blanchard Valley Obstetrics & Gynecology – Bluffton and Pediatric Associates of Northwest Ohio.
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