Preventative Screenings at BVHS
Blanchard Valley Health System is dedicated to the health and well-being of our community. As part of this commitment, we encourage community members to keep up with the regular screenings that are recommended to keep everyone at their healthiest.
The following recommendations are for individuals at an average risk for certain types of cancers. We encourage you to speak with your provider and insurance company about screenings based on your family history, lifestyle choices and other risk factors.
Cervical Cancer
Women ages 21 to 29: Annual pelvic exam. Every three years, women should receive a Pap smear.
Women ages 30 to 65: Pap smear test every three years or a Pap smear in combination with HPV testing every five years. You may need earlier or more frequent screening if you have a higher risk for cervical cancer, such as having a family history or a previous cancer diagnosis.
Breast Cancer
Women at any age: Breast self exam (BSE) completed monthly
Women ages 20 to 39: Clinical breast exam at least annually.
Women ages 40 and above: Yearly mammogram, unless high risk. Talk with your provider.
Blanchard Valley Health System provides mammography at EasternWoods Outpatient Center, Bluffton Hospital and the Ottawa Medical & Diagnostic Center. To schedule a mammogram, call 419.423.5323. More information can also be found here.
Prostate Cancer
Men age 40 and up: Talk with your doctor to make an informed decision on testing, based on personal risk factors.
Lung Cancer
Men & women age 50 and up: If you currently smoke or formerly smoked, please discuss a lung cancer screening with your provider.
For more information regarding the Lung Cancer Screening Program at Blanchard Valley Health System, call 419.429.6441 or visit this site.
Colorectal Cancer
Men & women age 45 and up: A colonoscopy is recommended for any person beginning at age 45. After that, a colonoscopy is recommended every 10 years.
To schedule a medical appointment or find a provider, call the Blanchard Valley Medical Practices Physician Referral Line at 419.422.APPT.