Cardiology - HeartCare


Heminger HeartCare Center

1900 South Main Street, Suite 3349
Findlay, OH 45840
Office Hours:

Monday - Friday
7 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Comprehensive Cardiovascular Rehab Services

Cardiac, Vascular and Pulmonary Rehab Programs

The cardiac, vascular and pulmonary rehabilitation programs at Blanchard Valley Health System are designed to help you return to a safe, healthy and active lifestyle following a cardiac event. Through progressively challenging exercise regiments and a variety of educational classes, participants learn how to best care for their heart. Click the links at left to learn more about each of these programs.

About Us

Our Team: 

The Jane & Gary Heminger HeartCare Center’s Rehab Services team includes physicians, exercise physiologists, registered nurses and respiratory therapists with specialized training in cardiac, pulmonary and vascular rehabilitation. 


Cardiac, Pulmonary and Vascular Rehab is equipped with monitoring equipment that will be used during your exercise session. Blood pressure is checked at each visit. During pulmonary exercise, your oxygen levels are monitored. Your doctor will be notified if any readings are not in a safe range. 


Medicare and most major medical insurance policies cover a major portion of the cost of outpatient cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation. The maintenance phase of the program is not covered by Medicare and is generally not covered by third party payors; however, this program is offered at a reasonable cost. Please consult your insurance representative for coverage details.

Before you begin one of our rehabilitation programs, a physician’s referral is required. Your physician will be kept up-to-date on your progress. A physical exam and exercise evaluation will also be completed. This will help to evaluate your functional work capacity so we can develop an effective exercise regimen that fits your needs.  

How may we help you?

How may we help you?