Patients & Visitors

Location Information

Patients and Visitors

At Blanchard Valley Health System, we are committed to providing exceptional care. With that in mind, we want to ensure you have answers to your questions before you are a patient or visitor at one of our hospitals. Where should you park? When are visiting hours? How do you pre-register for a procedure? The patient and visitor section of our website will help answer these questions and more!

Tobacco Free

We want to provide our patients, visitors and staff with a healthy environment for optimal well-being and healing, therefore we have made our campuses tobacco-free. The use of any tobacco products while at any of our locations is prohibited.

If you need additional information prior to your visit, don’t hesitate to call us at 419.423.4500. If you would like more information on our smoking cessation program, please click here.

Workplace Violence Prevention Policy

We will not tolerate any form of threatening or aggressive behavior toward our staff. Assaults against our staff are serious violations and could result in consequences, including a felony conviction. All staff have the right to carry out their work without fearing for their safety. This policy is in accordance with House Bill 452.