Lung Cancer Screening
BVHS offers a CT scan that may help find lung cancer.
Screening for cancer means testing for cancer before you have any symptoms. Screening for some types of cancer has reduced deaths by early detection and treatment. Now, there is a test that can reduce the death from lung cancer through early detection. For more information regarding the Lung Cancer Screening Program, call 419.429.6441.
The test is not recommended for everyone. Here are a few questions and answers to help you learn more:
Am I candidate for lung cancer screening?
Can you answer “yes” to the following questions?
- You are a current or former smoker, or you quit smoking in the past 15 years
- And you are in the age group between 50-77 years old
- And have no symptoms of lung cancer
- And you have a smoking history of at least 20-pack years. This means one pack a day for 20 years or two packs a day for 10 years.
If you answered YES to ALL the questions listed above, you are in the group that has the highest risk for lung cancer. Screening for lung cancer is recommended for you. The risk for lung cancer is different for each person. If you're not in this group, talk to your doctor about your concerns.
Should I get a CT scan to screen for lung cancer?
Talk to your doctor about getting a CT scan to screen for lung cancer. This screening for lung cancer may save your life. Be sure to discuss your complete health and history with your doctor. Ask for a clear explanation about the possible benefits and risks of being screened for lung cancer. There are some risks, and not everyone should be screened for lung cancer. Only low-dose CT scans are recommended for screening. Chest X-rays are not recommended for lung cancer screening.
What happens if I choose to get a CT scan for lung cancer?
There is some radiation risk with a CT scan, and you may need to have additional tests and procedures. At Blanchard Valley Health System, our team of experts will clearly explain the procedure and the risks and benefits of the screening. We will also discuss what the results can mean and how we will follow up with you after your screening,
What do the results mean?
“Negative” result means that there were no abnormal findings at this time on the CT scan. It doesn't mean you absolutely do not have lung cancer. It doesn't mean that you will never get lung cancer. Your doctor should discuss when and if you should be tested again. A “suspicious” result means that the CT scan shows something is abnormal. This could mean lung cancer. It could also mean some other serious condition. Or, it could mean there is no serious condition. That is called a “false-positive.” You may need to have additional procedures to find out exactly what is abnormal. If you have lung cancer or some other serious condition, your doctor and the team of experts should discuss all possible treatment options with you.
For more information regarding the Lung Cancer Screening Program, call 419.429.6441.