Health Care Professionals

Location Information

Physicians & Clinical Staff Collection Info

Thank you for visiting the BVHS Laboratories Specimen Collection and Processing page for clinical professionals. It is our hope that the information contained herein will be a useful tool for referencing all things relevant to preparing for, collecting and processing of specimens for the BVHS Laboratories.

If you have any questions about the content of this page, testing information or if a laboratory tests not listed, please feel free to contact one of the BVHS Laboratories at 419.423.5318 (Blanchard Valley Hospital) or 419.423.2314 (Bluffton Hospital).

Table of Contents:

  1. Laboratory Requisitions Procedure
  2. Laboratory's Need to Access Appropriate Clinical Data
  3. Patient Identification Verification Policy
  4. Transportation of Laboratory Specimens
  5. Instructions for Proper Specimen Labeling
  6. Annual Review of Minimum Specimen Volumes
  7. Collection Introduction General Information
  8. BVHS Laboratories Reference and Critical Ranges
  9. Laboratories Outreach Centrifuges
  10. BVHS Laboratories Test Listing
  11. Specimen Retention and Additional Examinations Policy
  12. BVHS Cytology Collection Manual
    1. Cytology Collection Procedures
    2. Sample Requisition for Non-Gyn Specimens
    3. Sample Requisition for PAP Specimens
  13. Surgical Pathology Specimen Collection Procedure
  14. Sample Collection Instructions, Information and Consent Forms

Sample Collection Instructions:

  1. Phlebotomy Venipuncture Procedure
  2. Skin Puncture Procedure
  3. General Urine Specimen Collection Procedure
  4. 24 Hour Urine Collection Instructions
  5. 24 Hour Urine Collection Tests
  6. Vaginal DNA Swab Collection and Transport Instructions
  7. Body Fluid Specimen Criteria
  8. Requirements for Genital Orders at BVHS
  9. Pinworm Collection Instructions
  10. Sterile Body Fluid Packet Collection Protocol
  11. Sputum Collection Instructions
  12. Stool Sample Collection Instructions
  13. Semen Infertility Sample Collection Instructions
  14. Throat Culture Collection Procedure

Information and Consent Forms:

  1. Coagulation Laboratory Patient Information Form
  2. Semen Wash Scheduling Guidelines
  3. Semen Wash Specimen Delivery-Pickup Instructions
  4. Mayo Clinic Additional Test Information Form
  5. Mayo Clinic Informed Consent for Genetic Testing
  6. Mayo Molecular Genetics - Congenital Inherited Diseases Info
  7. Mayo-2nd Trimester Maternal Screening (AFP Quad Screen) Info
  8. ARUP-Patient Hx for Neurofibromatosis Type I-Legius Syndrome
  9. Mayo Clinic Kidney Stone Analysis Patient Collection Instructions
  10. Mayo Lead-Heavy Metals Reporting Form

If you experience any difficulties with this site, listed procedures or links please contact:

Doug Hughes, MT(ASCP)
Laboratory Information Systems
Blanchard Valley Hospital
PH: 419-429-6495